此价格、规格、属性仅做参考价格, 如要购买请联系客服,谢谢合作! GCK低压抽出式开关柜,是一种用标准模件由工厂组装的组合式低压成套开关设备,分为动力中心柜(PC)、电动机控制中心柜(MCC)和功率因数自动补偿柜。本开关柜符合ICE439-1《低压成套开关设备和控制设备》、GB7251《低压成套开关设备和控制设备》等标准。 GCK low-voltage drawer type switch cabinet,is a standard module by the factory assembled combined low-voltage complete switch equipment,power center cabinet(PC),a motor control center (MCC) and power factor automatic compensation cabinet.It conforms to ICE439-1 《low voltage switchgear and control equipment》,Gb7251《low voltage switchgear and control equipment》 and other standards. 额定绝缘电压 Rated insulation voltage 660V 额定工作电压/主电路/辅助电路 Rated operating voltage / main circuit / auxiliary circuit 380,660V 水平母线额定电流 Horizontal busbar rated current ≤3150A 垂直母线额定电流 Vertical busbar rated current 1200A 额定短时耐受电流(1s) Rated short-time withstand current(1s) 50KA 额定短时峰值电流 Rated short-time peak current 105KA 防护等级 Protection degree IP30 undefined undefined 详细说明2 详细说明3 详细说明4 详细说明5